Wednesday, October 12, 2011

sorry ~

gara2 mama leka tgk tv + makan kacang, Amirul terjatuh terantuk bucu kabinet tv.. Mak ai, berlekuk kepala Amirul.. Hopefully xda ape2 la kan? Sorry baby, mama lupa Amirul dah terror bab panjat2 ni.. Pasni mama akan lebih alert lg.. Promise!!

Mmmmuuuaaahhh.... >

Sunday, October 9, 2011

motivated ur child

Petikan ini diambil frm Wardina Saffiyah Facebook-Notes,di harap dpt membantu saya dalam motivate my childrens + students...

■Work with your child to set personal growth goals, and develop ways to monitor his or her progress toward those goals
Do not compare your child to his or her siblings or others. Speak up when other people make comparisons.
Avoid rewarding your child’s performance outcomes. If you must use rewards, reward your child’s effort or task completion.
Discuss with your child topics that relate to motivation, including failure avoidance, anxiety, self-worth, and individual progress.
Create connections for your child between his or her school experience and real life.
1. Students are motivated to learn and achieve when they perceive that their teachers/parents care about them. (our relationship-how close we are, how much our children trust us plays a very important role)

Teachers who care were described as demonstrating democratic interaction styles, developing expectations for student behavior in light of individual differences, modeling a "caring" attitude toward their own work, and providing constructive feedback.

2. Students do not seek help (a) if they perceive that their self-worth is threatened, (b) if their cognitive competence is low, (c) and if they perceive little benefit in seeking help.

We see why ,many of our schoolchildren are soooo afraid to seek help, ask or participate... our approach , attitudes to teaching and disseminating knowledge has to NOW!

They are basically SCARED... our method of teaching and in-calculating knowledge is centered upon the "scare tactic" YOU HAVE to..we give NO what so ever autonomy to children, giving NO autonomy decreases their intrinsic motivation to do something..the right to make choices is very very significant to a person ..this is even true in case case of religious teachings..we ALWAYS talk about the HARAM, the BAD, NOT to do this and that but forget to talk about the million of good and stuff you CAN do....

That is why we need to remember that in order to increase Achievement Motivation - parenting techniques and support are so crucially important... 2 basic rules are to:-

1. Communicate Explicit or Clear Expectations

tell them what you expect, Why its important...CLEARLY

but let them figure out HOW....

2. Give our children Independent Training..or the freedom to choose after we present to them our expectations...

Saturday, October 8, 2011

yang terbaik dari mama~

Alhamdulillah, bila dapat tau pregnant for 3rd time / 2nd bb (2nd pregnancy gugur).. Rasa teruja sgt2. Bukan sbb gatai.. Hahaha.. Tp nk bg exclusive bf for my bb till bb 2 thn... So far Amirul Zikry dah almost 8 months and still fully bf w/o any fm... Semoga rezeki AZ sentiasa ada dan bertahan utk 2 thn ni.. Amin..

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

menjelang thn terakhir TWO-series... ;p

alhamdulillah... bertambah lagi usia di bulan Oktober ni...
menjelang thn terakhir TWO-series.. kekekekkekeke..
ye, next year dah masuk THREE-series ok.. tp, umur hanyalah angka saja..
saya tetap muda di mata sume..<-- cet, perasan sungguh...
pencapaian saya?? kalo dlm swasta kita panggil appraisal.. kalo dlm kerajaan.. di panggil SKT..
sepanjang 29 thn ni, sy sudah capai apa yg saya nak.. w/pun sy tak kaya.. tp saya bahagia.. ada suami, anak2.. keluarga.. kawan2.. kerjaya.. syukur ya Allah...
semoga utk thn ini, Allah permudahkan segala urusan agar saya bole jadi manusia yang lebih baik lagi..Amminnn...
celebrate bday???? seperais..seperais... i likee...